July 29th Service: Free to be…me and You

This Sunday Mary McGinnis will lead a discussion about the role “gender” plays in our society and an exploration of our own views with an emphasis and closer look at our everyday language.  The title comes from a project of the Ms. Foundation for Women in the early seventies, resulting in a record album and a book of the same name.

It has been over forty years ago since the “Free to be me and you” project. What progress have we made towards the project’s goal, and where does gender bias live in our society today? There will be an opportunity to list gender-identified words, phrases, sayings, stereotypes, descriptions, etc.  Those who wish can share what you think about men and women; what you say about men/women; and how you behave.  Can we really affirm “the inherent worth and dignity of every person” if we confine their individuality within pre-set and pre-judged parameters of gender?

Worship Leader:  Mary McGinnis
Sunday,  July 29, 2012
Twin Falls Senior Center, Twin Falls, Idaho
Beginning at 10:30 AM

July 17th Service: Heaven Knows Where We Are Going

In a world where toddlers are in competition to get into the best preschools and bestselling books have names like “Achieve Anything in Just One Year”, many of us seem to be hurtling relentlessly toward a destination, seemingly paying little attention to our journey. What might this singular quest for “something” be costing us?  In this service we will explore how we might open ourselves to receiving the ordinary miracles and holy moments that each of our journeys have to offer us.

Worship Leader:  Rev. Suzanne Marsh
Sunday,  July 17, 2012
Twin Falls Senior Center, Twin Falls, Idaho
Beginning at 10:30 AM

July 15th Service: Transcendence

Karen Fothergill will host our service this Sunday sharing readings by Rev. Robert T. Weston and Rev. Edward A. Frost.  We will share our stories of the moments in our lives that are illogical, magical, and mysterious, and ask do we need to reclaim the “spiritual” in our religion?

Newcomers are always welcome.

Worship Leader:  Karen Fothergill
Sunday,  July 15, 2012
Twin Falls Senior Center, Twin Falls, Idaho
Beginning at 10:30 AM

July 20th: Refugee Center Holds 3rd Annual Magic Valley Refugee Day

Dear Members of Record and Friends of MVUUF:

This morning during our service, I circulated [to those present] two letters mailed recently to our MVUUF Fellowship. The first was a letter from the CSI Refugee Program informing us of the upcoming “Third Annual Magic Valley Refugee Day” to be held Friday, July 20. 2012 beginning at 6:00 at the Twin Falls City Park by the bandshell.  I know all of you will enjoy sampling foods of the various countries. This event is FREE and open to everyone of all ages.

Please note the following:

Refugee Center Holds 3rd Annual Magic Valley Refugee Day

The College of Southern Idaho Refugee Center is coordinating an evening of ethnic food, information, and entertainment at the Twin Falls City Park Bandshell starting at 6 p.m. Friday, July 20.

The third annual Magic Valley Refugee Day will feature eleven ethnic populations from Afghanistan, Armenia, Bhutan/Nepal, Bosnia, Burma, Burundi, Eritrea, Iran, Iraq, Turkey, and Vietnam. Event coordinator Michelle Pospichal says each group will have a tent with displays, information about their home countries, and samples of their foods. Presentations on the stage will feature ethnic music, singing and dancing. 

“We want to recognize the Twin Falls community for its amazing support and cooperation in relocating our refugees throughout the year,” said Pospichal. “This is a time to celebrate the wonderful diversity of cultures living in Twin Falls.”

Pospichal said information will be available on how volunteers can get involved with the refugees or how to donate to the Refugee Center. Volunteers will also sell raffle tickets for one dollar each or six for $5. Cultural items made by the local refugees or that were brought from their homeland will be the prizes.

The event is free and open to everyone. Those who attend are encouraged to bring chairs or blankets for sitting on the lawn. For more information, contact the CSI Refugee Center at 736-2166 or e-mail mpopsic@spro.net

The second letter received was from Planned Parenthood of the Greater Northwest. For information about this letter which contains general information about Planned Parenthood of the Greater Northwest (including the Magic Valley) please visit: www.ppgnw.org/appt .


Ken Whiting

July 8th Service: Unlocking the Back Door to Happiness and Understanding the Buddhist Key that Can Open the Door

The Magic Valley Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship will host a discussion titled “Unlocking the Back Door to Happiness and Understanding the Buddhist Key that Can Open the Door.”

Facilitator, Michael Johnson will discuss how we can’t find the door because of the human dilemma we seem to be stuck with but which we can manage if we really want to find happiness wherever we are, whatever we are doing.

Newcomers are always welcome.

Worship Leader:  MIchael Johnson
Sunday,  July 8, 2012
Twin Falls Senior Center, Twin Falls, Idaho
Beginning at 10:30 AM