November 3rd: Family Values

The words Family Values bring to mind warm and fuzzy images of Mom, Dad and 3 kids cozily nestled on an overstuffed sofa watching a wholesome family show on TV, eating popcorn with the fire blazing in the fireplace in the background.  Other images come to mind:  that same family kneeling in church to worship or frolicking on the beach or even better that large multi-generational gathering at the 4th of July barbeque. Reality or fantasy?  Join Anne Martin on an introspective journey to discover the truths of the contemporary family and how these truths play out in our individual lives and the lessons we learn to create a more inclusive and compassionate world.

The Magic Valley Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship meets every Sunday beginning at 10:30 AM at the Twin Falls Senior Center, 530 Shoshone Street West in Twin Falls. Newcomers are always welcome. Childcare is available. We are handicapped accessible. For information, please contact Ken Whiting at 734-9161.

October 27th: Halloween

This Sunday, we will explore the meanings of Halloween as connected to All Saints Day and the Day of the Dead. Please come prepared to remember some of those dear people (or pets) in your life who have passed on and be ready to take part in a small ritual on their behalf.

The Magic Valley Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship meets every Sunday beginning at 10:30 AM at the Twin Falls Senior Center, 530 Shoshone Street West in Twin Falls. Newcomers are always welcome. Child care is available. We are handicapped accessible. For information, please contact Ken Whiting at 734-9161.

October 20th: Big Bang Buddhism

This is a profound talk about cosmic spirituality, explaining how the nature of this universe and how the nature of the mind, as Buddhists understand it, work seamlessly together. According to Ajahn Brahm, looking out through the telescope we see the vastness of the universe, but (metaphorically speaking); looking down the telescope in the opposite way, we see the mind. The mind is the larger of the two. By all accounts, proven scientifically, the mind is the initiator of everything that we think and do. So it is not the will, but the mind that gives the order, that initiates the processes of all our actions.

Knowing that, Ajahn Brahm challenges us to let our mind do a big bang explosion and see where it leads us. He encourages us to have limitless imagination. As Einstein famously put it, “imagination is more important than learning”.

The Magic Valley Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship meets every Sunday beginning at 10:30 AM at the Twin Falls Senior Center, 530 Shoshone Street West in Twin Falls. Newcomers are always welcome. Child care is available. We are handicapped accessible. For information, please contact Ken Whiting at 734-9161.

October 13th: Zen Moments

Zen Buddhism is a branch of Mahayana Buddhism. Zen emphasizes enlightenment and personal expression of direct insight. In the Zen tradition there is less emphasis on sutras or doctrine. In the western world people often talk about Zen moments. But what is a Zen moment? A Zen moment is a moment of great awareness or enlightenment. It is a moment where you begin to understand what is truly most important and deserving of ones attention in life. Zen moments occur during times when we place lots of effort into completing a task and in the end have nothing tangible to show for it. This Sunday’s service host Ryan Terry will present a few Zen moments from his life and also ask members of the congregation to share some of their personal Zen Moments with the group.

The Magic Valley Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship meets every Sunday beginning at 10:30 AM at the Twin Falls Senior Center, 530 Shoshone Street West in Twin Falls. Newcomers are always welcome. Childcare is available. We are handicapped accessible. For information, please contact Ken Whiting at 734-9161.