Sunday, May 3, 2015: “Laugh, I Thought I’d Die”

Host: Ryan Terry

Presenter: Rev. Elizabeth Greene

Is there any connection between laughing and spirituality? Is it all right to tell jokes in church, even in sermons? Does God like it when the sound of laughter flows out of our worship services, or does Holy Mystery prefer that we are sober and serious about our religious practice?

Rev. Greene comes out squarely in favor of making joyful noise in church. She will reflect on the seemingly-contradictory truth that some of life’s most deeply serious and spiritual times bring out laughter, even in the midst of our tears. She will also manage to slip in some worshipful jokes!

As Unitarian Universalists, we have a proud tradition of responding to the imperatives of love and justice to work with those of us who are marginalized and oppressed in society and the world. Unitarian Universalists covenant to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person; justice, equality and compassion in human relations; and acceptance of one another.

Newcomers of all religious paths or none at all are always welcome. We are handicapped accessible. Please park in the rear of the building. Child care is available.

Please join us Sunday at our new location located in the Vendor Blender and Event Center, 588 Addison Avenue West in Twin Falls at 10:30 AM. The Vendor Blender is located near the old hospital near the intersection of Martin St. and Addison Avenue West.

Sunday, April 26: “Living Beyond the Ego”

The essence of our innermost being is worth exploring, worth cultivating, worth focusing upon. For as we discover this self, we can release the ego with all its attendant fears and challenges, and embrace an identity that knows freedom, peace and compassion.

As Unitarian Universalists, we have a proud tradition of responding to the imperatives of love and justice to work with those of us who are marginalized and oppressed in society and the world. Unitarian Universalists covenant to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person; justice, equality and compassion in human relations; and acceptance of one another.

Please join us Sunday at our new location located in the Vender Blender and Event Center, 588 Addison Avenue West in Twin Falls at 10:30 AM.  Newcomers of all religious paths or none at all are always welcome. We are handicapped accessible. Please park in the rear of the building and enter on the west side of the building. Child care is available.

The Vendor Blender is located near the old hospital near the intersection of Martin St. and Addison Avenue West.

April 19, 2015: “What is Happening to the Christian Religion in America?”

Host/Presenter: Ray Cross

Sunday, we will examine what is happening to the Christian religion in America. We will view an online sermon by Rev. Thom Belote, minister at The Community Church of Chapel Hill Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship, Chapel Hill North Carolina.

America is still a very predominantly Christian nation but there are serious changes taking place in the Christian religion across this land. These changes affect most if not all Christian denominations. We will also explore how these changes may affect Unitarian Universalists.

As Unitarian Universalists, we have a proud tradition of responding to the imperatives of love and justice to work with those of us who are marginalized and oppressed in society and the world. Unitarian Universalists covenant to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person; justice, equality and compassion in human relations; and acceptance of one another.

Newcomers of all religious paths or none at all are always welcome. We are handicapped accessible. Please park in the rear of the building. Child care is available.

Please join us Sunday, April 19th at our new location located in the Vender Blender and Event Center, 588 Addison Avenue West in Twin Falls at 10:30 AM.

The Vendor Blender is located near the old hospital near the intersection of Martin St. and Addison Avenue West. Please use the entrance on the west side of the building.

Sunday, April 12, 2015: “What is Fellowship?”

Host: Ken Whiting

Presenter: Cynthia Hindes

Join us this next Sunday at 10:30 AM, at our new location:

Vendor Blender & Event Center (West Door)
588 Addison Avenue West
Twin Falls ID

Cynthia Hindes, a member of the Wiccan Faith will be our guest this Sunday.Cynthia will speak about “fellowship.”

She will ask the questions:

“Who or what are our fellows and is fellowship a necessary basis for friendship?
According to Webster “fellowship is a friendly relationship among people, the relationship of people who share interests or feelings, a group of people who have similar interests,” and “friendship is the state of being friends: the relationship between friends, a friendly feeling or attitude: kindness or help given someone.”

Cynthia will explore the differences (if any) of these two definitions.

Please join us to listen to this informative talk followed by discussion. As Unitarian Universalists, we have a proud tradition of responding to the imperatives of love and justice to work with those of us who are marginalized and oppressed in society and the world.

Unitarian Universalists covenant to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person; justice, equality and compassion in human relations; and acceptance of one another.

Newcomers of all religious paths or none at all are always welcome.

We are handicapped accessible. Please park in the rear of the building. Child care is available.

Please join us Sunday, April 12th at our new location located in the Vendor Blender and Event Center, 588 Addison Avenue West in Twin Falls at 10:30 AM. The Vendor Blender is located near the old hospital near the intersection of Martin St. and Addison Avenue West.

Sunday, April 5, 2015: “Resurrection: a Personal Story”

Presenter: Rev. Elizabeth L. Greene

Easter is a time of life springing from seeming death. At this time of the year, as the light returns from the dark of winter, many religious traditions tell moving stories about love overcoming loss, about resurrection from the grave. Elizabeth will share a personal story of hope, arising from a time of deep grief, a tale of a significant Easter in her life.

As Unitarian Universalists, we have a proud tradition of responding to the imperatives of love and justice to work with those of us who are marginalized and oppressed in society and the world.

Unitarian Universalists covenant to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person; justice, equality and compassion in human relations; and acceptance of one another.

Newcomers of all religious paths or none at all are always welcome. We are handicapped accessible. Please park in the rear of the building. Child care is available.

Please join us Sunday, April 5th at our new location located in the Vendor Blender and Event Center, 588 Addison Avenue West in Twin Falls at 10:30 AM. The Vendor Blender is located near the old hospital near the intersection of Martin St. and Addison Avenue West.