September 29: “We are all Migrants”

Presenter: Ray Cross

We all come from many different lands. Even those of us born here in the Magic Valley are not from here. We all came from somewhere else. Our species did not evolve in Idaho. Our species originated in Africa and eventually arrived here in the Magic Valley through a process of migration. We are all migrants.

Sunday, our message will be how humans are still migrating around the planet. Migration has not stopped. Some questions we will contemplate are: What is a native? What is nativism? Who should we listen to in regard to modern migration? How can we be civil when talking about this subject with someone with whom we disagree? Are migrants who cross our borders today really different from us? Please come ready to discuss with us this topic.

Unitarian-Universalism honors the differing paths we each travel. Our congregations are places where we celebrate, support, and challenge one another as we continue on our spiritual journeys. As Unitarian-Universalists, we covenant to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person; justice, equality and compassion in human relations; and acceptance of one another.

Newcomers of all religious paths or none at all are always welcome. We are working on becoming handicapped-accessible but are not fully there yet. To avoid steps into the sanctuary please enter through the rear entrance to access a sloping hallway to the sanctuary. Please park in the rear of the building or on the street, in front or the side of the building. Child care is available during the adult portion of the service.

September 22: “Siding With Greta”


Presenter: Rev. Jenny Peek

Our visiting minister, Rev. Jenny Peek, will offer her message on the youth-led movement for transformative climate laws.

Climate activist, 16 year old Greta Thunberg from Sweden, urges us to start living as though our house is on fire, because indeed, it is. The Earth is our home and is in a catastrophic crisis. Hope no longer is merely a state of mind: It is action! Action of the people, for our youth and future generations.

Unitarian-Universalism honors the differing paths we each travel. Our congregations are places where we celebrate, support, and challenge one another as we continue on our spiritual journeys. As Unitarian-Universalists, we covenant to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person; justice, equality and compassion in human relations; and acceptance of one another.

Newcomers of all religious paths or none at all are always welcome. We are working on becoming handicapped-accessible but are not fully there yet. To avoid steps into the sanctuary please enter through the rear entrance to access a sloping hallway to the sanctuary. Please park in the rear of the building or on the street, in front or the side of the building. Child care is available during the adult portion of the service.

September 15: “Simple Twist of Fate”

Presenter: Mary Beth Bolin (BUUF Intern Minister)MaryBethBolin

This Sunday, Mary Beth Bolin, our new intern minister, will tell us about some of the twists of fate in her life that brought her to the Magic Valley. She will explore the theme for the month: “Expectation.”

How do we live when we expect a dismal fate? How do we live when we expect all the beauty, love, and grace in the world to come towards us, flow through us, and bless the world? When and how does the divine show up in our lives and shatter all our expectations?

Mary Beth is very excited to share her first Sunday with the Magic Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship as our new intern minister. She looks forward to sharing a bit of her life’s journey with us and learning from all of yours.

Unitarian-Universalism honors the differing paths we each travel. Our congregations are places where we celebrate, support, and challenge one another as we continue on our spiritual journeys. As Unitarian-Universalists, we covenant to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person; justice, equality and compassion in human relations; and acceptance of one another.

Newcomers of all religious paths or none at all are always welcome. We are working on becoming handicapped-accessible but are not fully there yet. To avoid steps into the sanctuary please enter through the rear entrance to access a sloping hallway to the sanctuary. Please park in the rear of the building or on the street, in front or the side of the building. Child care is available during the adult portion of the service.

September 8: “Where Do We Go From Here?”

Presenter: Anne Martin

As the climate changes and global warming accelerates, and the calls for immediate and dramatic action become more strident, Anne Martin poses the question, “Where do we go from here?” In her sermon on Sunday she explores the consequences of ignoring the problem and doing nothing and presents a vision for the future in which we mobilize our resources like we did during WWII and create a new world where all mankind and all living beings thrive and prosper.

Unitarian-Universalism honors the differing paths we each travel. Our congregations are places where we celebrate, support, and challenge one another as we continue on our spiritual journeys. As Unitarian-Universalists, we covenant to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person; justice, equality and compassion in human relations; and acceptance of one another.

Newcomers of all religious paths or none at all are always welcome. We are working on becoming handicapped-accessible but are not fully there yet. To avoid steps into the sanctuary please enter through the rear entrance to access a sloping hallway to the sanctuary. Please park in the rear of the building or on the street, in front or the side of the building. Child care is available during the adult portion of the service.