Sunday, January 29, 2017: “Common Ground”

Presented by: Tona Casella

uuscflowerOur message this Sunday is “Common Ground”. We will explore how our faith and other faiths are different yet similar in both beliefs and actions. We will discover we may have more in common with other faiths than differences. After all, all faiths preach love, forgiveness and hope. Please visit us Sunday to explore this topic.

Unitarian Universalism honors the differing paths we each travel. Our congregations are places where we celebrate, support, and challenge one another as we continue on our spiritual journeys. Unitarian Universalists covenant to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person; justice, equality and compassion in human relations; and acceptance of one another.

Please join us Sunday at the Vendor Blender and Event Center, 588 Addison Avenue West in Twin Falls at 10:30 AM. The Vendor Blender is located near the old hospital near the intersection of Martin St. and Addison Avenue West. Newcomers of all religious paths or none at all are always welcome. We are handicapped accessible. Child care is usually available. Parking is available in the parking lot to the north side of the building.

Sunday, January 22, 2017: “Your Huddled Masses”

Presented by: Rev. Elizabeth Greene

EGreeneThe Statue of Liberty stands with her welcoming torch, inviting all who yearn for freedom to enter the golden door. And yet, the question of who is welcomed and who is not seems to be a complicated one. Do religious people have a special duty to welcome “the other”? What constitutes an open heart?

Please Note: This Sunday, January 22nd, we will have our “New Member Ceremony.” It is this ceremony, we will welcome our new members to our Fellowship. Following our service we will have a “Potluck Meal.” Please bring a food item to share. If you are unable, that’s okay your presence is all we need.

Unitarian Universalism honors the differing paths we each travel. Our congregations are places where we celebrate, support, and challenge one another as we continue on our spiritual journeys. Unitarian Universalists covenant to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person; justice, equality and compassion in human relations; and acceptance of one another.

Please join us Sunday at the Vendor Blender and Event Center, 588 Addison Avenue West in Twin Falls at 10:30 AM. The Vendor Blender is located near the old hospital near the intersection of Martin St. and Addison Avenue West. Newcomers of all religious paths or none at all are always welcome. We are handicapped accessible. Child care is usually available. Parking is available in the parking lot to the north side of the building.

Sunday, January 15, 2017: “The Life that is Waiting for Us”

Presented by: Julie Merrick

campbell-youngersmaller1American mythologist, Joseph Campbell, explored the possibilities of consciousness and radiant living. He believed that we should follow our bliss, diving into and not away from the sorrows of the world.

As we give his teachings consideration, we learn to be present and embrace the rapture of being alive and so open ourselves to the life that is waiting for us.

Due to our service being cancelled this past Sunday due to bad weather we will have our “Second Sunday” special collection to benefit a local charity, The American Burmese Friendship Organization, Inc. They provide needed services to the local Burmese Refugees in our community.

Unitarian Universalism honors the differing paths we each travel. Our congregations are places where we celebrate, support, and challenge one another as we continue on our spiritual journeys. Unitarian Universalists covenant to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person; justice, equality and compassion in human relations; and acceptance of one another.

Please join us Sunday at the Vendor Blender and Event Center, 588 Addison Avenue West in Twin Falls at 10:30 AM. The Vendor Blender is located near the old hospital near the intersection of Martin St. and Addison Avenue West. Newcomers of all religious paths or none at all are always welcome. We are handicapped accessible. Child care is usually available. Please park in the rear of the building and use the entrance on the west side of the building.