October 25: Explore Love, the Mystical and the Spiritual

Unitarian Universalists by definition have declined traditional religious structs and dogmas, although our religion does look for value in other religious traditions. While our paths to the spiritual and mystical are diverse and individual, we believe that we can all agree that there is great power in love.

In our experience, love, the mystical, and the spiritual have been intertwined. How we access the mystical and spiritual powers of love is less clear. What has become clear to me is that Love may be the closet thing to God that we will ever experience. Could they be the same thing?

Most of us do wish to explore spirituality and fellowship in a supportive environment. Please join us at the Magic Valley Unitarian Universalist to explore Love, the Mystical and the Spiritual this Sunday.

Unitarian Universalism honors the differing paths we each travel. Our congregations are places where we celebrate, support, and challenge one another as we continue on our spiritual journeys.

Unitarian Universalists covenant to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person; justice, equality and compassion in human relations; and acceptance of one another.

Newcomers of all religious paths or none at all are always welcome. We are handicapped accessible. Please park in the rear of the building. Child care is usually available.

October 22: Stepping Forward

How willing are we to be vulnerable? To engage, to show up, to be seen? We may try to make ourselves safe by making our lives small but that path seldom leads us anywhere we’d really like to go.

When we draw upon courage and faith to step in the direction of what is meaningful to us, even when we feel afraid, our lives become more afraid.

We learn to live in wholeheartedness, not because we have banished fear but because we have discovered something greater within us.

Unitarian Universalism honors the differing paths we each travel. Our congregations are places where we celebrate, support, and challenge one another as we continue on our spiritual journeys.

Unitarian Universalists covenant to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person; justice, equality and compassion in human relations; and acceptance of one another.

Newcomers of all religious paths or none at all are always welcome. We are handicapped accessible. Please park in the rear of the building. Child care is usually available.

October 15: Based on Science, So What?

Presenter:  Don Morishita

One of the Unitarian Universalist Principles is a free and responsible search for truth and meaning. This is applied not only to our spiritual journey but also our everyday lives. How we each form our truths is based on how or what kind of effort we put into finding the truth. Faith is certainly one form that we find truth but for some people having hard evidence of the truth is more critical than having faith.

Science has brought us many answers to the wonders of nature, our lives and beyond. But is it the purest way of seeking answers? Join us for a presentation and discussion of the fourth principle of Unitarian Universalism.

As Unitarian Universalists, we have a proud tradition of responding to the imperatives of love and justice to work with those of us who are marginalized and oppresses in society and the world.

Unitarian Universalism honors the differing paths we each travel. Our congregations are places where we celebrate, support, and challenge one another as we continue on our spiritual journeys.

Unitarian Universalists covenant to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person; justice, equality and compassion in human relations; and acceptance of one another.

Newcomers of all religious paths or none at all are always welcome. We are handicapped accessible. Please park in the rear of the building. Child care is usually available.

October 8: What is White Privilege?

Guest Speaker, Candise Ramsey from the Southern Idaho Humanist Alliance

inherent worthWe hear terms like ‘white privilege’, ‘inclusion’, and ‘unconscious bias’ a lot these days in the ongoing struggle for racial equality in this country. What do you think and feel when you hear those terms?

Whatever our reaction to the terms or to the endless discussions and debates about anthem protests, Charlottesville, or the acquittal of yet another white policeman in the killing of a black man in St. Louis, it is a fact that racial oppression exists in this country. White privilege is a fact. Our own awareness of what it is and what we can do about it is another matter altogether. It may come in stages, it may come slowly, and when it does we may want to distance ourselves from it, deny it, or explain it away.

How can we confront our own denial and responsibility? How can we turn our awareness into concrete and constructive action rather than let it degenerate into white guilt or white fragility?

These are hard questions for hard times. You may be thinking “we don’t have that problem here.” It’s true we don’t have a large black population here in Southern Idaho. But our communities include a large number of Hispanic brothers and sisters, and many refugees and immigrants from all over the world. For those of us that are white, our awareness of white privilege and how it affects everyone in our community is an important first step.

We will have a guest speaker this week, Candise Ramsey from the Southern Idaho Humanist Alliance. Join us as we explore these questions together.

As Unitarian Universalists, we have a proud tradition of responding to the imperatives of love and justice to work with those of us who are marginalized and oppresses in society and the world.

Unitarian Universalism honors the differing paths we each travel. Our congregations are places where we celebrate, support, and challenge one another as we continue on our spiritual journeys.

Unitarian Universalists covenant to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person; justice, equality and compassion in human relations; and acceptance of one another.

Newcomers of all religious paths or none at all are always welcome. We are handicapped accessible. Please park in the rear of the building. Child care is usually available.