Feb 24th: An Investigation of Laughter and Humor

What makes us laugh? Why do we laugh? Could laughter be a biological adaptation? If so then how did laughter evolve? Are there different kinds of laughter? What does laughter tell us about ourselves our culture? This Sunday we will be investigating these questions and others as we explore the topic of humor and laughter.  Come prepared with a few jokes of your own or just sit back and enjoy the discussion.

The Magic Valley Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship meets every Sunday beginning at 10:30 AM at the Twin Falls Senior Center, 530 Shoshone Street West in Twin Falls. Newcomers are always welcome. Child care is available. For information, please contact Ken Whiting at 734-9161.

February 17th: Why Do We Cheat?

Our sermon this Sunday is a video recording delivered Sunday, January 27, 2013, at All Souls Unitarian Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, by Rev. Marlin Lavanhar, Senior Minister.

SERMON DESCRIPTION: Since Lance Armstrong finally admitted to using performance-enhancing drugs, there has been a lot of discussion about why people cheat. Athletes cheat to win, citizens cheat on their taxes, spouses cheat on each other, students cheat on tests. What is it that causes people to cheat and how do people who cheat live with themselves? Is there redemption for cheaters and how can it be attained?

On Sunday, we will explore some of the dynamics of cheating and how we can avoid the pitfalls of the human condition that causes us to deceive others — and ourselves — to get ahead. 
Music by Chad Minteer and Susanna Terry

The Magic Valley Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship meets every Sunday beginning at 10:30 AM at the Twin Falls Senior Center, 530 Shoshone Street West in Twin Falls. Newcomers are always welcome. Childcare is available. For information, please contact Ken Whiting at 734-9161.

February 10th: “Catalysts for Change” With Julie Merrick

It is said that change is the great constant in this world.  And if that is so, then it would follow that understanding change benefits us in surviving and thriving here. But what are the catalysts for change in our personal lives? What steps can we take to embrace positive change and release our fears?  How have our experiences shaped us and what methods and ideas have had the greatest impact on who we’ve become and what we believe?

The Magic Valley Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship meets every Sunday beginning at 10:30 AM at the Twin Falls Senior Center, 530 Shoshone Street West in Twin Falls. Newcomers are always welcome. Childcare is available. For information, please contact Ken Whiting at 734-9161.