April 30 – Lessons Learned from PNWD: Listening to Create Beloved Community

Presented by Karen Fothergill

Increasingly, Unitarian Universalist congregations and communities are acting on a longing to bring their faith to everyday life; to live their values everywhere – at home and with friends, in business and politics, in the public square and the market place.
Living an embodied response to this yearning is the basis of Beloved Community.

Karen Fothergill will be sharing a lesson learned from the PNWD conference on Listening to Create Beloved Community. This lesson comes from the Center for Courage and Renewal and the work of Parker Palmer.

“The people who plant the seeds of movements make a critical decision: they decide to live ‘divided no more.’ They decide no longer to act on the outside in a way that contradicts some truth about themselves that they hold deeply on the inside. They decide to claim authentic self-hood and act it out”.

– Parker Palmer

Unitarian-Universalism honors the differing paths we each travel. Our congregations are places where we celebrate, support, and challenge one another as we continue on our spiritual journeys.

Unitarian-Universalists covenant to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person; justice, equality and compassion in human relations; and acceptance of one another.

Newcomers of all religious paths or none at all are always welcome. We are handicapped accessible. Please park in the rear of the building. Child care is usually available.

Wednesday April 18, Film: “Where we Stand” @ CSI 7:00pm

On Wednesday there will be a screening of a  short documentary film from Paper Bridge Films and Kristine Stolakis, entitled Where We Stand , about the Ordain Women within the LDS church, at the College of Southern Idaho, with a discussion to follow. Put on by the Southern Idaho Humanist group, in conjunction with the Secular Students Alliance at CSI, this film should be of interest to a wide range of people coming from both religious and humanist perspectives. Please mark your calendar for the screening of this BAFTA nominated documentary film:

Wednesday April 19th, 7:00pm
Hepworth 195 at CSI
College of Southern Idaho

where we stand

April 15- 16: “All Things Become New” & Saturday Workshop

Spring is a season of beginnings, of renewal and transformation. It reminds us that we exist in an infinite field of potential and possibility.

When we tap into the source of life, a new heart and spirit open to us, shaking loose what is stagnant and allowing a rebirth of wonder.

There will be a MVUUF Workshop, on Saturday, April 15, 9:30 to noon, at the Vendor Blender:

Members and Friends, please join a workshop, facilitated by Rev. Tandi Rogers (our Western Region Congregational Life Staff member), to help us decide our fellowship’s future direction!

We will explore questions, such as, “Who are we called to be, and who do we serve?” And “How do we want to be in our community”? If you would like to see MVUUF be more active and engaged in our community, let us discuss your ideas. We will take a look at our current mission statement to see if it applies to us today, as it did in 1994, when it was first developed by our founders. We may brainstorm slogans that could describe us. Another UU fellowship has the slogan “Rooted in Love, Reaching for Justice”.

The workshop will be multi-generational, and kids are welcome. Refreshments will be provided.  If you have questions, please ask any board member.  Thanks!

from Your MVUUF Board,
Dale Bostock, Rick Dykes, Eleanor Miller (Secretary), Kyi Kyi Whiting (Treasurer), & Michelle Richman (President)

Unitarian Universalism honors the differing paths we each travel. Our congregations are places where we celebrate, support, and challenge one another as we continue on our spiritual journeys. Unitarian Universalists covenant to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person; justice, equality and compassion in human relations; and acceptance of one another.

Please join us Sunday at the Vendor Blender and Event Center, 588 Addison Avenue West in Twin Falls at 10:30 AM. The Vendor Blender is located near the old hospital near the intersection of Martin St. and Addison Avenue West. Newcomers of all religious paths or none at all are always welcome. We are handicapped accessible. Child care is usually available. Parking is available in the parking lot to the north side of the building.